
Omni Construction has an ongoing, successful safety program that focuses on training to ensure that our workers recognize and manage unsafe workplace conditions. Our basic work - debris segregation, removal, reduction, disposal, and demolition - is inherently dangerous, with each unique disaster providing its own complexity. Our safety program establishes internal controls and areas of responsibility. It is the foundation of our successful safety record.

For each contract we enter, we then supplement our final Accident Prevention plan including activity hazard analysis with customer site-specific requirements. The safety, health, and well being of all employees is a major concern of Omni Construction. Therefore, accident prevention is of primary importance. Safety will always take precedence over production demands and shortcuts must be avoided at all times.

We are committed to providing our employees with the proper training necessary to ensure that they can perform their jobs without placing themselves at risk of injury. All employees receive safety training upon employment and ongoing training as necessary. All personnel are responsible for ensuring compliance with our safety program. To ensure policy conformance during debris removal operations, the training, verification, communication, and reporting needs are identified within the safety program.


Photo of an Omni Construction vehicle parked on the side of a road with safety cones to alert passing vehicles of an over-sized construction vehicle.